Wednesday, March 29, 2006

posted by John

Adam turned 10 yesterday. 10 years ago it was snowing, his scheduled C-Section went off as planned, and other than some chills related to the meds, Tiff was fine. We arrived @ the hospital 5:30 am as I recall even though birthing wasn't until after 8 am. Most of the family members were present, and many friends and co-workers visited throughout the day. Even though I was "supposed to" go home in the evening, the charge nurse noticed the weather and was "wink wink" allowing me to stay. Those pull out pleather cushion chairs aren't bad for stretching out. Unfortunately the overnight nurse didn't agree, and shortly before Midnight I was politely but firmly instructed that I was welcome to return before 8am.

Through the snow from Vineland to Mays Landing I realized I never took the trip without Tiffany and one of the 5 corner stops had me bewildered for a moment. I was able to get some of the digital photos up once home, and shared with my eBay Q&A board buddies about the arrival of our new addition. (Small plug there, our ebay userid is "newadditions").

Not much sleep, and I left home back for the hospital around 5:15. I figured that 6am was "before 8am", and snuck in through a door that they probably should have been monitoring more closely. Makes you wonder. Eventually I was stopped by the same nurse who sent me home just hours before, but I guess she was worn out from the night and realized I just wanted to be with my family, so I was allowed in.

Fast forward to March 7 2006. Adam decided he wanted us to go to Ripley's Believe it or Not in Atlantic City followed by dinner @ Damon's. It was nice. His younger brother bought him a DS game he wanted, and he graciously accepted the presents from all.

I couldn't help but notice my lovely wife. She really hasn't aged a day. I can still see her cradling the little guy on her shoulder. Hard to imagine that he has but a few inches to go before he's taller than her.

Tiff spent some time with him at home before returning to work, and I was able to stagger my hours to come home for periodic feedings. We all were so young and innocent then.

Who would have known about the experiences we have shared, from a traumatic trip to the hospital about 6 months later for RhodoVirus (we nearly lost him) to last week where he was selected as the leader to represent his grade in the "Math Bowl" tournament. (His team didn't win, but one of the questions they got wrong was worded poorly - no sour grapes on my part!)

This little miracle child has grown into quite an interesting young man. I am proud of him daily. Last week he went into his own bank to help his brother donate to the "pennies for patients" fundraiser (they came up with almost $20 !). He and I attended his first live pro wrestling show on Saturday (WWE Hall of Famer Tito Santana was victorious in the main event). He has traveled to Florida with Tiff and her family, to Connecticut with us all, Pennsylvania, and almost every imaginable square foot of the Garden State. He has experienced beaches and summer fun, snow, swimming, soccer, cub scouts and weblos, 4-H club, Christian Children's Caring Club, band, plays, many family sleep overs, etc.

And best of all - he gets my jokes!

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