Sunday, February 26, 2006


Jawdy has spent 35 of his 39 years living in New Jersey and in March of 2006, he will double the Jewish population of Salt Lake City, Utah by moving his family of five out there.

By day, he is a Sales Director for one of the preeminent equipment leasing companies in America. He spends his days talking with CEO's about their financing needs and negotiating rates and lease terms. By night, he cries at the sad parts of kids movies.

His three little ones are Elijah (1999), Hannah (2003) and Sadie (2005). His wife is Debora. Together they are genius; separate they can't match their socks.

Read Jawdy's full-time weblog, Jawdy's Basement.

Jawdy's Posts


John J. Sollog, recently 37 years old, gleeful husband of 13+ years to Tiffany (one of the East Coast's foremost Health and Safety Specialists), father of Adam (9, 10 in March), and John W. (7). Avid local Baseball fan (Atlantic League Atlantic City Surf). Active in church (choir, Praise and Worship band on guitar and keyboards, adult bible study, many special committees, dinner assistance, etc).

Currently employed full time as a Counselor, Penal Institution (title lends itself nicely to a Jawdy joke, no?). Part time/on call as a Life Skills Specialist / M.I.C.A. Residential Counselor. Also the weekend manager (self-titled) of small card/collectible/craft store co-owned by in-laws. Busy Guy.

Add in the Cub Scouts, kids chess club, 4-H, soon to add Soccer team, band, etc activities.

Recently returned to a modified Atkins/South Beach type plan with some quick results. Gotta love going through the "change of life" as a male.

Spent 9 years as a Drug/Alcohol Counselor before moving on to another 8+ years as a Mental Health Counselor and group home manager for addicts/alcoholics and mentally ill adults. The jail job for under a year. Daily get to spend time with those who the rest of society has shunned.

Starting to think that maybe society is right.

Conversation of approx. 14 1/2 years ago - at the Sollog home in Middletown NJ during a rare family dinner while home for a night from college.

Dad (aka John A.) : how are things going with Stephanie.
me: It's Tiffany.
Dad: okay. how are things with TIFFANY?
me: not bad. I'm going to ask her to marry me.
Dad: you are....
me: yeah. Pass the potatoes.

John's Posts
March 2, 2006: Toothpaste
March 29, 2006: Milestones


At age 30, Adam finally grew up. The days of staying up until 3 a.m.watching Family Guy re-runs and sleeping until 11 ended Sept 14, 2005 when sweet little Breanna Elle was born. Now, Adam runs daddy daycare four days aweek, getting up between 7 and 8 a.m. When he's not changing diapers or warming bottles, Adam works for the Trenton Times as the beat writer for the Philadelphia Flyers. He also works nights on the copy desk, editing stories, writing headlines and designing pages. Helping him with all things child-related is wife Sheryl, who works days in Center City Philadelphia and gets to have her munchkin time at night.

Adam's Posts
March 7, 2006: Early to Rise
March 15, 2006: 6 Months
March 27, 2006: Hockey Dad

Brian G.

Brian G is a 33 year old happily married father of two. An avid reader, amateur chef, offshore fisherman, and home-based microbrewery guru, Brian G. has led an interesting and widely varied life.

Past lives include a high school band director, cellular corporate accounts rep, membership coordinator at a chain of health clubs, and (his most rewarding job) the stockboy for the ice cream isle at a grocery store.

Fortunately he managed to marry well beyond his station, and his beautiful wife reminds him of this fact several times daily.

He is said to be working now as a equipment leasing representative in the Southern NJ area, however rumors are circulating following the discovery of brochures in his cubicle titled "RAISE ALPACAS FOR PROFIT IN YOUR BACKYARD - FRANCHISES AVAILABLE"....

Brian has two little girls (Lauren 6/04) and Gracie (11/05). When asked what it's like to have two daughters 17 months apart and simultaneously in diapers, he spontaneously combusted.

Brian G.'s Posts
March 1, 2006: Our First Real BOO BOO, and the Healing Magic of ELMO
March 15, 2006: Some Weekly Revelations

Friday, February 24, 2006


Mike was born in Honolulu, Hawaii in 1968 but has lived in New Jersey since the age of two. He is a business analyst for a large mortgage company based in South Jersey, mostly querying data using Access/SQL and writing various Excel models. He married wife Sheryl in December of 1996, just in time to get whacked by the now defunct marriage penalty. The rest of the family includes daughter Jessica (1999), son Matthew (2002) and Golden Retriever Beezer (1998). Mike is a hockey junkie who never misses a Philadelphia Flyers game and plays men's league ice hockey.

Mike's Posts
March 6, 2006: The Tooth Fairy

Monday, February 20, 2006

Who and What is Just Us Dads?

There are hundreds upon hundreds of blogs out there written by Moms. HUNDREDS!! I was just looking over at the dot-moms site and they list almost 700 blogs on their site alone written by Moms about their experiences with Motherhood. There are less than 100 Dad bloggers listed over there. HELLO?!?! What does that tell you? Well, I'll tell you what that says to me.

First of all it says that Dads are just not as interested in talking about fatherhood. They are just as fine letting people think that they are just what society thinks they should be (see the subtitle of this blog). Secondly, many Dads don't know how to turn on a computer when it's not at work. During the day, when Dad is in the office, Mom spends some time on the PC in the basement during naptime and writes paragraphs about her experience as a Mom. Dads just can't be bothered with that kind of thing...they are too busy on the weekends picking the underwear out of their tush and yelling at the TV.

Well, after three years publishing my own experiences as a Dad on my own weblog, I got to thinking. I know I am not the only Dad out there who has these experiences! We need to unite and show the world that there is more to fatherhood than seeing how hard you can throw a snowball at your kid's face! (although that makes for a GREAT read). It took just a few minutes of my day to assemble a dozen Dads I know who agreed to contribute every so often. Just Us Dads was born.

Let's see if we can show some Moms out there that we don't always think with our southern halves. Being a Dad has been the most rewarding experience of my life and I am sure it's been the same for many of you all out there. So post your comments and get involved and let's see if we can make our point!

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